@article{0405e5d1-5bc5-4814-a14b-651e962d556b, author = {Marta Gołąbek}, title = {The “Plants and Animals. Atlases of Natural History in the Age of Linnaeus” exhibition held by the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, 6th May – 15th August, 2021}, journal = {The Annual of the Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow}, volume = {2021}, number = {LXVI (2021)}, year = {2021}, issn = {1642-2503}, pages = {241-246},keywords = {}, abstract = {}, doi = {10.4467/25440500RBN.21.013.16095}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/rbn-pau-pan/article/rosliny-i-zwierzeta-atlasy-historii-naturalnej-w-epoce-linneusza-wystawa-zorganizowana-w-muzeum-palacu-krola-jana-iii-w-wilanowie-6-maja-15-sierpnia-2021-r} }