%0 Journal Article %T The concept of help in s pecial pedagogy – key dimensions of a syntagmatic relation %A Parys, Katarzyna %J Disability %V 2019 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.19.013.10488 %N Issue 33 (2019) %P 182-203 %K relationship of help, syntagma, the help giver and the help recipient, purposefulness of help, boundaries in helping and consequences of helping %@ 2080-9476 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/niepelnosprawnosc/article/idea-pomocy-w-pedagogice-specjalnej-kluczowe-wymiary-relacji-syntagmatycznej %X Helping in the area of special education takes the form of the overarching idea and the fundamental direction of rehabilitation activities. This makes it is worth considering the essence and complexity of this phenomenon. The article presents the syntagmatic nature of help and analysed its essential components, which are: the recipient and the giver of help, relationships between them, the purpose and motives of providing help, ways to implement it, boundaries in helping and consequences of helping. Organizing these elements and reflecting them is an important, though not the only, purpose of the article. It was crucial to object to the treatment of people with disabilities only in the category of recipients of assistance activities and to draw attention to the need and the possibility of effectively fulfilling by them the role of givers of help