%0 Journal Article %T The evaluation as the instrument of managing the union project in area of public aid %A Jabłoński, Tomasz %J Public Management %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.12.005.0529 %N Issue 1 (17) %P 63-73 %K public managing, projects management, evaluation %@ 1896-0200 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/ewaluacja-jako-narzedzie-zarzadzania-projektami-unijnymi-w-obszarze-pomocy-spolecznej %X The evaluation as the instrument of managing the union project in area of public aid The article takes attempt to indicate the level of using the evaluation as an instrument of the project management improvement. In this case, conducted research was extended to the identification of the evaluation interpretation way by entities performing projects. The study was based on data from completed projects which were funded from the UE budget. These projects were related to the fight against social exclusion, performed in years of 2008-2010. First part of the article is affiliated with the theoretical basis of the evaluation and shows the place and the role of the evaluation in the management process of the UE project. Second part of the elaboration includes research results and outcomes of conducted analysis. In the third part it was showed however recommendations aimed especially to the higher level of management institutions.