%0 Journal Article %T The Therapeutic Power of Contact: Physician-Nurse-Patient. Innovative education of medical staff in the perspective of health psychology %A Wrona-PolaƄska, Helena %J Public Health and Governance %V 2016 %R 10.4467/20842627OZ.16.014.5576 %N Volume 14, Issue 2 %P 104-117 %K health, therapeutic contact, patient, education %@ 1731-7398 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/the-therapeutic-power-of-contact-physician-nurse-patient-innovative-education-of-medical-staff-in-the-perspective-of-health-psychology %X Introduction: The role of physician and nurse in the therapeutic team depends on the prevailing medical model of health: biomedical or holistic and functional. Purpose: The theoretical basis of the therapeutic role of doctor - nurse - patient contact from a psychological perspective is the Functional Model of Health created by Helena Wrona-Polanska. Material and Methods:141 people after bone marrow transplantation were examined at the Hematology Clinic of Jagiellonian University. To examination were used the questionnaires of stress, coping strategies, personal resources, and grading scales of health and anxiety. Results:Analysis of the results revealed predictors of subjective health and difference between subjective and objective health. Conclusions: Author's Functional Model of Health used in the analysis of nurses work shows the complexity of the physician - nurse - patient contact: instrumental function, cognitive function, emotional function as a basis of innovative educational program for physicians and nurses.