@article{02290bb1-732f-4662-af03-eb106f4c6af6, author = {Agnieszka Wójcik, Łukasz Młynarski}, title = {German horticulture exhibitons as a urban regeneration instrument}, journal = {Housing Environment}, volume = {2016}, number = {16/2016}, year = {2016}, issn = {1731-2442}, pages = {42-45},keywords = {show gardens; city restoration; role of greenery in the city}, abstract = {German horticultural shows Bundesgartenschau (BUGA) and Internationale Gartenausstellung (IGA) are a landmark not only in the calendar of people interested in gardening. Organised not in one, permanent venue, but as the event held in different cities, shows become a significant example of the urban regenaration and its influence on the whole structure of the city. The history of exhibitions dates back to 1950s and post-war reconstruction of the country. It was decided then to combine the presentation of latest achievements of the horticulture with work towards regeneration of run-down areas. A main purpose was to raise the quality of life of residents by introducing green areas and boosting the economy. When an exhibition expires its area is being opened to public as city park. For over 60 years these areas created places of leisure and contact with nature, which is very important in the urbanised environment.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/srodowisko-mieszkaniowe/article/german-horticulture-exhibitons-as-a-urban-regeneration-instrument} }