%0 Journal Article %T Staff safety culture in the process of determining brain death and in organ procurement for transplantation %A Wiśniewska, Małgorzata %A Piotrowicz, Wojciech %J Modern medicine %V 2024 %R 10.4467/12311960MN.24.049.20879 %N Volume 30 (2024) Issue 2 %P 71-92 %K transplantation process, staff safety, organizational culture, culture of safety, psychological safety %@ 1231-1960 %D 2024 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/medycyna-nowozytna/article/kultura-bezpieczenstwa-personelu-w-procesie-stwierdzania-smierci-mozgu-i-pobierania-narzadow-do-transplantacji %X The article addresses the culture and climate of safety, as well as the psychological safety of transplant personnel. After presenting a brief genesis of transplantation and discussing issues related to the process of determining brain death and then transplantation, the focus was on presenting the situation of transplant personnel and the pressures they face. Discussing these phenomena referred to the specifi cs of the work of the transplant team. It was also emphasized that the topics covered in the article are very rarely described in domestic works, as far as this discipline of medicine is concerned. The problems of stress and professional burnout were discussed, and their causes and conditions were indicated. The effects associated with workplace stress, including the issue of job burnout, were also presented. Reference was then made to the importance and defi nition of safety culture, safety climate, and psychological safety. Finally, important considerations for improving the situation of staff were presented and various solutions were suggested, such as expanding academic curricula to include ways to cope with stress or developing a universally accepted staff safety policy. The importance of the spiritual climate and relaxation techniques and the necessity of incorporating them at work as a daily routine were noted.