TY - JOUR TI - Zabudowa czynszowa z lat 1909–1913 przy ulicy Stanisława Moniuszki w Przemyślu – zagadnienia funkcjonalno-architektoniczne AU - Stojak-Pomykacz, Natalia TI - Zabudowa czynszowa z lat 1909–1913 przy ulicy Stanisława Moniuszki w Przemyślu – zagadnienia funkcjonalno-architektoniczne AB - The end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century was a period of the most significant rapid development of Przemyśl in history – both in terms of territory and population. It was also a time of quickly passing fashions and dynamic progress in construction. The following article is another step towards periodization of the architectural heritage of this period. It is another part of research on the resource of tenement houses of Lwowskie Przedmieście in Przemyśl. Moniuszki Street was selected as the subject of the study as a small, closed resource divided into investment groups. The following work aims to compare the time of construction of the buildings with the aesthetic and construction solutions presented by the buildings (in terms of technology and construction) and the investors, along with a simultaneous analysis of the planning role of the city authorities in the formation of new districts of the then dynamically developing city of Przemyśl. VL - 2024 IS - 1 (30) 2024 PY - 2024 SN - 2449-7347 C1 - 2720-4790 SP - 269 EP - 307 DO - 10.4467/24497347RPH.24.013.20517 UR - https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/rocznik-przemyski-historia/article/zabudowa-czynszowa-z-lat-1909-1913-przy-ulicy-stanislawa-moniuszki-w-przemyslu-zagadnienia-funkcjonalno-architektoniczne KW - urban planning KW - tenement houses KW - Przemyśl KW - Art Nouveau KW - historicism