@article{0193afa5-5591-70e0-80dc-f82c5620e7ed, author = {Wojciech Łysek}, title = {The Annexation of Crimea from the Perspective of Decade: Lessons for Threatened by Russian Aggression}, journal = {Wschodnioznawstwo (Eastern Studies)}, volume = {2024}, number = {Volume 18}, year = {2024}, issn = {2082-7695}, pages = {129-144},keywords = {aggresion; Crimea; Crimean Tatars; ethnical minority; Russia; Ukraine}, abstract = {The main aim of this paper is to present the annexation process of Ukrainian Crimea by Russia from the perspective of a decade. There have been lived numerous Russian‑ speaking people, and a large community of Crimean Tatars. Hence, it is worth analyzing the reconstruction of the annexation of Crimea by presenting the Russian narrative from the Revolution of Dignity to the referendum in Crimea; discussion of the resistance of the Crimean Tatars and Russian repression. The paper will be based on a behavioral approach. It will focus on content analysis: state documents, politicians’ speeches, press materials, analysis, and literature. As a result of the paper, it will find the best strategy for states, which are potentially threatened by Russian aggression.}, doi = {10.4467/20827695WSC.24.009.20624}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/wschodnioznawstwo/article/aneksja-krymu-z-perspektywy-dekady-wnioski-dla-zagrozonych-rosyjska-agresja} }