%0 Journal Article %T Zawody medyczne w dziedzinie stomatologii – zakresy kompetencji i obowiązków. Wybrane aspekty prawne i praktyczne %A Lipowski, Paweł %A Gajda, Edyta %J Public Health and Governance %V Early Access %N Volume 21, Issue 2 (Early Access) %P 56-65 %K medical professions, dentist, dental assistant, dental hygienist, dental technician, medical law, public health %@ 1731-7398 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/article/medical-professions-in-the-field-of-dentistry-scope-of-competences-and-duties-selected-legal-and-practical-aspects %X This article covers the subject of different medical professions in the field of dentistry. The considerations presented herein focus on the legal regulations of these medical professions within the Polish law and the characteristics of legal provisions related to the medical licensing in that regard and, above all, the scope of competences and duties. The aforementioned legal provisions refer to the sphere of practical regulations of health services provided by dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians and dental technology specialists, as professions that are included under the umbrella term of dentistry. The analysis of legal provisions from a practical perspective allows the authors to formulate conclusions regarding the type of medical care being provided, falling within the area of management of the health care systems, and more broadly, public health.