%0 Journal Article %T Sociology of Longing in Migration Research: Social Determinants of Emotions from the Perspective of the Study of Belarusian Emigrants %A Kanasz, Tatiana %J Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora %V 2024 (L) %R 10.4467/25444972SMPP.24.002.19600 %N Issue 1 (191) %P 15-34 %K migrants from Belarus, longing and nostalgia, emotion work, social media, online news media %@ 2081-4488 %D 2024 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/smpp/article/socjologia-tesknoty-w-badaniach-migracyjnych-spoleczne-uwarunkowania-emocji-z-perspektywy-studium-bialoruskich-emigrantow %X The aim of this article is to analyse feelings of longing and nostalgia of Belarusian migrants in Poland and return migrants in 2020–2022 on the basis of the multiple case study. Three categories of migrants were included: post-August 2020 emigrants, dual emigrants and returned migrants. The theoretical basis of the study was the concept of emotion work and concepts focusing on the emotions of longing and nostalgia. The empirical material was selected in a purposive manner. The empirical data included statements made by migrants on social media and in journalistic interviews (Polish and Belarusian). Answers were sought to the following research questions: What do migrants miss? How do they cope with these emotions? What are the socio-cultural determinants of longing and nostalgia of Belarusian migrants? The results of the qualitative study show that longing is complex in nature and that in every situation migrants undertake emotion work, using cognitive and behavioural strategies. Key themes of longing relate to loved ones and places. Feelings of nostalgia include the time before 2020, perceived by migrants as more secure. Cultural determinants include the special attachment of Belarusians to their country, family, community.