@article{019081f0-d93a-739b-addf-19969686f664, author = {Nadège Langbour}, title = {The labyrinth as a metadiscursive motif in Christian Grenier's literary creation}, journal = {Cahiers ERTA}, volume = {2024}, number = {Numéro 38}, year = {2024}, issn = {2300-4681}, pages = {9-26},keywords = {labyrinth; myth; rewriting; intertextuality; metadiscourse}, abstract = {The labyrinth motif appears regularly in Christian Grenier's novels. In diegesis, it is always linked to myth and the fates of Daedalus, Theseus and Ariadne. It is also a diegetic motif that structures the setting, organizes the characters' quest and generates suspense. But this motif is above all a metadiscursive metaphor that theorizes the author's writing. In particular, he evokes the meandering construction of police intrigues. It also represents the referential games developed by Christian Grenier: By mixing the words of other writers with his own, offers his readers the opportunity to enter a kind of intertextual labyrinth.}, doi = {10.4467/23538953CE.24.008.19931}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/cahiers-erta/article/the-labyrinth-as-a-metadiscursive-motif-in-christian-greniers-literary-creation} }