%0 Journal Article %T Influence of the EUA Futures contract prices and the money resources obtained from their sale on the 2013–2020 Polish government investments in renewable energy sources %A Palac, Piotr %J Public Management %V 2022 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.22.003.18038 %N Issue 1–2 (57) %P 49-63 %K environmental protection, public finances, EUA, investments, renewable energy sources %@ 1896-0200 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-publiczne/article/wplyw-ceny-kontraktow-terminowych-eua-i-uzyskiwanych-z-ich-sprzedazy-srodkow-na-inwestycje-rzadowe-panstwa-polskiego-w-odnawialne-zrodla-energii-w-latach-2013-2020 %X The article presents an analysis of the relation between the scale of Polish government investments into renewable energy sources and the price of EUA Futures contracts and funds obtained by Poland from their sale in the years 2013–2020. The goal of the analysis was to check if there is any relationship between the funds obtained from the sale of EUA contracts and Polish government investments in renewable sources of energy. The theoretical section contains a partial research of sources, whereas the analytical part uses the comparative, descriptive and graphic methods, as well as Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the study indicate a lack of relationship between the EUA prices and Polish government investments in renewable energy sources in 2013-2020. The study shows that, at that time, about 75% of investments expenditure for renewable energy sources in Poland came from private institutions and business entities and only 7% of the financial outlays came from state-owned energy companies.