%0 Journal Article %T Photo-notes from the construction. Naramowice as a transitional state %A Michałowska, Marianna %J Arts & Cultural Studies Review %V 2023 %R 10.4467/20843860PK.23.035.19184 %N Issue 4 (58) Heterotopie dzikości %P 543-560 %K urban environment, wastelands, nature management, fourth nature, landscapes, photo essay %@ 1895-975X %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/przeglad-kulturoznawczy/article/fotonotatki-z-budowy-naramowice-jako-stan-przejsciowy %X Since the last years of the 20th century, Poznań’s district Naramowice has been an area of rapidly growing investments and a model example of contemporary transformation of urban peripheries into residential areas. The sites of a 19th-century village and farm and a post-war gardening company are turning into housing estates. The new district, repeatedly criticized for the lack of a well-thought-out development plan and transport solutions, finally in 2022 was connected with a city center by a tram route. Naramowice are the subject of a phototextual reflection in which I refer to the ambiguous status of this space, expressed in such terms as extension and redevelopment, land development, and wastelands. In conclusion, I wonder if the district can be a laboratory for the “fourth nature” (I. Kowarik, K. Jakubowski) project or an illustration of the “third landscape” (R. Clément)? The article takes the form of a rephotographic photo essay (L. Pouwels, M. Rosler), in which images are intertwined with text fragments, in which the concepts of urban wasteland, natural thinking and contemporary urban design are discussed. The photographs I used present the changes observed during the construction of the tram route, the interference of residential investments in the areas of the former orchards in Naramowice and the projects of urban meadows between residential buildings. Made with a mobile phone, they have the character of a field note, emphasizing the role of active, mobile observation of dynamic changes in space.