@article{018e9e4c-2c86-734f-9657-60e0d4d91776, author = {Joanna Schiller-Walicka}, title = {Research Activity of the History of Education and Anthropology of Culture Research Unit at the Institute for the History of Science PAS in 2022}, journal = {Quarterly Journal of the History of Science and Technology}, volume = {2023}, number = {Volume 68, Issue 3}, year = {2023}, issn = {0023-589X}, pages = {257-270},keywords = {scientific research; history of education; history of culture; history of science; Institute for the History of Science PAS}, abstract = {The article presents the research areas, scientific achievements, popularization efforts, and organizational accomplishments of the members of the Research Unit in 2022. The conducted research covered the period from the mid-18th c. to almost modern times, with the majority of the Unit members focusing on research related to the 20th c.}, doi = {10.4467/0023589XKHNT.23.039.18419}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/kwartalnik-historii-nauki-i-techniki/article/dzialalnosc-pracowni-dziejow-oswiaty-i-antropologii-kultury-instytutu-historii-nauki-pan-w-2022-r} }