TY - JOUR TI - Creating an Image of a Scientist in the Media on the Example of Academic Research Universities in Poland AU - Oleksy, Karolina TI - Creating an Image of a Scientist in the Media on the Example of Academic Research Universities in Poland AB - The aim of this paper is to explore how scientists create their image, based on the example of academic teachers working at Polish research universities. Academic teachers are co-creators of the image of the higher education. They are also indirectly responsible for the image of science, the field of study, the scientific discipline they represent, its reception and importance for society. The issue of creating the image of scientists needs to be deepened in the field of scientific literature. The analysis provides a perspective of humanistic management, which main topic are areas directly related to human aspects in managing organizations. The aim of the study was to find an answer to the question of how scientists create their image, as well as to other specific questions. There were qualitative methods used – interviews, as well as quantitative – questionnaires. The research indicated that scientists focus on creating their image by conducting regular scientific research, providing access to their publications, popularizing knowledge and science and developing a network of contacts. For these purposes, they most often use the internet and social media. Their presence in the media is usually used to confirm media agenda. Threats posed by the image shaping of scientists include the creation of pressure and the possibility of experiencing negative comments and criticism. JEL: D8, M1, Z1 VL - 2022 IS - Volume 10, Issue 2 PY - 2022 C1 - 2354-0214 SP - 135 EP - 170 DO - 10.4467/23540214ZM.22.010.17167 UR - https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/zarzadzanie-mediami/article/kreowanie-wizerunku-naukowca-w-mediach-na-przykladzie-akademickich-uczelni-badawczych-w-polsce KW - scientist KW - image KW - image communication KW - universities