@article{018e9e36-e789-70e2-b240-c78c27664a0f, author = {Beata Halicka}, title = {Człowiek pogranicza i nestor badań nad granicami – Zbigniew A. Kruszewski w Polsce i na emigracji}, journal = {Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora}, volume = {2022 (XLVIII)}, number = {Vol. 3 (185)}, year = {2022}, issn = {2081-4488}, pages = {139-161},keywords = {biography; border; borderland; immigration; identity}, abstract = {In this article I follow the question, what does it mean to be a borderlander and reflect about some definitions of borderland’s identity. The analysis is based on reflections, biographical constructions, and interpretations of the history by a particular man - prof. Zbigniew A. Kruszewski. He calls himself a borderlander and is considered the doyen of border studies in the scientific community. The source basis is an extensive interview conducted with him 2016 using the biographical method. The starting point for this article is the question: what kind of boundaries did Zbigniew A. Kruszewski cross in his life? For answering this question, I created a long list of social phenomena that are closely related to crossing borders and are often experienced by borderlanders. This list also includes less obvious phenomena that do not necessarily fit into the canon of the presented definitions. In the second part I present Zbigniew A. Kruszewski’s scientific and social commitments to borderland studies and his way of promoting the knowledge about borderlands.}, doi = {10.4467/25444972SMPP.22.026.16727}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/en/journal/smpp/article/czlowiek-pogranicza-i-nestor-badan-nad-granicami-zbigniew-a-kruszewski-w-polsce-i-na-emigracji} }