Volume 49

2011 Next

Publication date: 04.06.2012

Licence: None

Editorial team

Editor-in-Chief Kamil Rusek

Issue content

Pierrette Cassou-Noguès, Arkadiusz Płoski

Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Volume 49, 2011, pp. 9 - 34


The goal of this paper is to present an elementary, intersection-theoretical approach to the local invariants of plane curve singularities. We study in detail three invariants: the Milnor number , the number of double points  and the number r of branches of a local plane curve. The technique of Newton diagrams plays an important part in the paper. It is well-known that Newton transformations which arise in a natural way when applying the Newton algorithm provide a useful tool for calculating invariants of singularities. The formulae for the Milnor number in terms of Newton diagrams and Newton transformations presented in the paper grew out of our discussion on Eisenbud{Neumann diagrams. They have counterparts in toric geometry of plane curve singularities and in the case of two dimens 

The contents of the article are:

1. Plane local curves

2. The Milnor number: intersection theoretical approach

3. Newton diagrams and power series

4. Newton transformations and factorization of power series

5. Newton transformations, intersection multiplicity and the Milnor number

6. Nondegenerate singularities and equisingularityions imply theorems due to Kouchnirenko, Bernstein and Khovanski.



2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32S55; Secondary 14H20.

The first author is partially supported by grants MTM 2010-21740-C02-01 and MTM 2010-21740-C02-02.

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Szymon Brzostowski

Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Volume 49, 2011, pp. 37 - 44


We give an example of a curious behaviour of the Milnor number with respect to evolving degeneracy of an isolated singularity in C2.

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Alain Haraux, Tien Son Pham

Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Volume 49, 2011, pp. 45 - 57


Let K be the real or the complex field, and let f : Kn → K be a quasi-homogeneous polynomial with weight w := (w1;w2;...,wn) and degree d. Assume that rf(0) = 0. Łojasiewicz well known gradient inequality states that there exists an open neighbourhood U of the origin in Kn and two positive constants c and p < 1 such that for any x → U we have rf(x) > cf(x)p: We prove that if the set K - (f) of points where the Fedoryuk condition fails to hold is nite, then the gradient inequality holds true with p = 1-minj wj/d. It is also shown that if n = 2; then K-(f) is either empty or reduced to {0}.

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Przemysław Rola

Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Volume 49, 2011, pp. 59 - 71


We consider the closedness of the modified set of hedgeable claims and new conditions for the absence of arbitrage connected with it in the classical DalangMorton{Willinger Theorem.

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Dawid Tarłowski

Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Volume 49, 2011, pp. 73 - 83


The majority of stochastic optimization algorithms can be written in the general form xt+1 = Tt(xt; yt), where xt is a sequence of points and parameters which are transformed by the algorithm, Tt are the methods of the algorithm and yt represent the randomness of the algorithm. We extend the results of papers [11] and [14] to provide some new general conditions under which the algorithm finds a global minimum with probability one.

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