Słowa kluczowe: Marian Smoluchowski, causality principle, Brownian motion, causal relevance, transference theory, attempt for a museum biography, Venus of Lespugue, musée de l’Homme, masterpiece, museology, prehistory, networks, correspondence, anthropology, archaeology, learned societies, Arthur Bordier, 1878 Paris World’s Fair, rock art, race, colonialism, popular sciences, anthropology, prehistory, science museums, evolution, cultural evolution, Darwinism, Lamarckism, multilevel selection, historiosophy, Cieszkowski, dialectics, philosophy of religion, the Kingdom of God on earth, Polish Romantic messianism, rhetoric, the sophists, relativism, political deception, totalitarianism, Plato, the Phaedrus, Plato’s conception of the soul, tripartition of the soul, Plato’s chariot allegory, hierarchical approach