„Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für Alle”. The Idea of Human Rights in the Views of Gustav Struve as an Example of Radical German Political and Legal Thought during the Springtime of Nations
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RIS BIB ENDNOTE„Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für Alle”. Idea praw człowieka w poglądach Gustava Struvego jako przykład radykalnej demokratycznej niemieckiej myśli polityczno-prawnej doby Wiosny Ludów
Publication date: 2022
Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 15 (2022), Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 537-556
„Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für Alle”. Idea praw człowieka w poglądach Gustava Struvego jako przykład radykalnej demokratycznej niemieckiej myśli polityczno-prawnej doby Wiosny Ludów
The Springtime of Nations in Germany is mostly associated with the views of various moderate liber- als, who played leading roles during these revolutionary events. The case is different when it comes to the members of the most radical wing within the liberal movement, the so called “democrats”. Their ideas are described far less frequently. The article presented analyzes the idea of human rights in the views of Gustav Struve – one of the most important figures in the German democratic movement. During the German Springtime of Nations, the notion of human rights was one of the most frequently discussed but also variably understood problems. Struve’s views regarding this question refer not only to the idea of human rights, they also form a kind of political manifesto including solutions for various problems encountered by average citizens along with suggestions concerning an equitable structure of thesocial order. These postulates were revolutionary and radical, but often incoherent. Hence they fit well into the characteristics of the whole German democratic movement in the first half of the 19th century, which was seen as an unpopular, unsystematic, eclectic, and immature phenomenon. The ar- ticle first describes Struve’s life in the context of various events of the German Springtime of Nations. Subsequently, it analyzes the notion of the human being, his functioning in the social community, and the definition of his rights. The article ends with an analysis of the material content of the concept of human rights in the views of the described German radical.
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Information: Cracow Studies of Constitutional and Legal History, Volume 15 (2022), Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 537-556
Article type: Original article
„Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für Alle”. Idea praw człowieka w poglądach Gustava Struvego jako przykład radykalnej demokratycznej niemieckiej myśli polityczno-prawnej doby Wiosny Ludów
„Wohlstand, Bildung und Freiheit für Alle”. The Idea of Human Rights in the Views of Gustav Struve as an Example of Radical German Political and Legal Thought during the Springtime of Nations
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin
Published at: 2022
Article status: Open
Licence: CC BY
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