Sergio A. Celani
Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 48, 2013, pp. 81-100 this paper we shall study some extensions of the semilattice based deductive systems S (N) and S (N, 1), where N is the variety of bounded distributive lattices with a negation operator. We shall prove that S (N) and S (N, 1) are the deductive systems generated by the local consequence relation and the global consequence relation associated with ¬-frames, respectively. Using algebraic and relational methods we will prove that S (N) and some of its extensions are canonical and frame complete.
Sergio A. Celani
Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 49, 2014, pp. 47-77 introduce the variety of Hilbert algebras with a modal operator , called H-algebras. The variety of H-algebras is the algebraic counterpart of the f!;g-fragment of the intuitionitic modal logic IntK. We will study the theory of representation and we will give a topological duality for the variety of H-algebras. We are going to use these results to prove that the basic implicative modal logic IntK! and some axiomatic extensions are canonical. We shall also to determine the simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras in some subvarieties of H-algebras.
Sergio A. Celani
Reports on Mathematical Logic, Number 51, 2016, pp. 57-73 this paper we will introduce N-Vietoris families and prove that homomorphic images of distributive nearlattices are dually characterized by N-Vietoris families. We also show a topological approach of the existence of the free distributive lattice extension of a distributive nearlattice.