Joanna Wojdon
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 3 (185), 2022 (XLVIII), pp. 119-120 Wojdon
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 1 (179), 2021 (XLVII), pp. 225-238 Wojdon
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 170, Issue 4, 2018 (XLIV), pp. 31-43 article discusses mutual relations between the Polish American ethnic group and new immigrants from Poland who were arriving to the United States in the 1980s. The author claims that despite high expectations of both sides the relations were far from harmonious and mutually rewarding, provides examples and formulates reasons thereof. The emphasis is put on the diff erences between the two groups. The experiences of post-World War II Polish exiles in their contacts with the established Polish diaspora serve as a point of reference.
Joanna Wojdon
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 2 (176), 2020 (XLVI), pp. 369-374 książek: Dominic Pacyga, American Warsaw: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Polish Chicago, Chicago: Uniersity of Chicago Press, 2019, ss. 321; John Radziłowski i Ann Hetzel Gunkel, Poles in Illinois, Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2020, ss. 244.