Ewa Joanna Grabowska
Migration Studies – Review of Polish Diaspora, Vol. 1 (187), 2023 (XLIX), pp. 115-139
https://doi.org/10.4467/25444972SMPP.22.018.15860Vietnamese charitable activity was only to a small extent taken up in world literature. It also did not attract the attention of Polish researchers. This paper attempts to fill the gap drawing on the theory of generalized exchange, belonging and cultural determinants. I analysed charity actions directed to Polish society before and in the initial phase of the pandemic based on netnography, in-depth interviews and analysis of media reports. The scale and wide range of Vietnamese actions brought mutual benefits profitable also for Polish politicians. At the value level, the desire to pay off the debt of gratitude was one of their incentives to help. At the instrumental level, beside individual interests to build business brand recognition, a positive image of the community in the eyes of Polish society was one of the benefits inspiring further actions. Proactive responses to actual Polish needs, creating a shared value and care for reputation constituted the Vietnamese way to manifest belonging in Polish conditions.