Alexander Meduna
Schedae Informaticae, Volume 26, 2017, pp. 61-68 a positive integer n, n-expandable deep pushdown automata always contain no more than n occurrences of non-input symbols in their pushdowns during any computation. As its main result, the present paper demonstrates that these automata are as powerful as the same automata with only two non-input pushdown symbols - $ and #, where # always appears solely as the pushdown bottom. The paper demonstrates an infinite hierarchy of language families that follows from this main result. The paper also points out that if # is the only non-input symbol in these automata, then they characterize the family of regular languages. In its conclusion, the paper suggests open problems and topics for the future investigation.
Alexander Meduna
Schedae Informaticae, Volume 22, 2013, pp. 47-68 paper presents new grammar systems that describe transfor- mations of syntactic structures. They represent two approaches: synchronous grammars and transducers. The systems consist of well-known models such as context-free grammars and finite automata. Particular attention is paid to synchronization of regulated grammars. The paper recalls formal definitions of the systems and discusses theoretical results regarding their generative and accepting power. The last part briefly introduces application perspectives in natural language translation, illustrated by examples of Czech-English translation.
Alexander Meduna
Schedae Informaticae, Volume 22, 2013, pp. 9-18
This paper discusses path controlled grammars—context-free gram-
mars with a root-to-leaf path in their derivation trees restricted by a control
language. First, it investigates the impact of erasing rules on the generative
power of path controlled grammars. Then, it establishes two Chomsky-like
normal forms for path controlled grammars—the first allows unit rules, the
second allows just one erasing rule.
Alexander Meduna
Schedae Informaticae, Volume 24, 2015, pp. 221-237 this paper, we introduce a new kind of automata systems, called state-synchronized automata systems of degree n. In general, they consists of n pushdown automata, referred to as their components. These systems can perform a computation step provided that the concatenation of the current states of all their components belongs to a prescribed control language. As its main result, the paper demonstrates that these systems characterize the family of recursively enumerable languages. In fact, this characterization is demostrated in both deterministic and nondeterministic versions of these systems. Restricting their components, these systems provides less computational power.
Alexander Meduna
Schedae Informaticae, Volume 19, 2010, pp. 23-34
In this paper, we place some left restrictions on derivations in CD grammar systems with phrase- structure grammars, controlled by the regular languages. The rst restriction requires that every production is always applied within the rst k nonterminals in every sentential form, for some k 1. The second restriction says how many blocks of non-terminals can be in each sentential form. The third restriction extends the second restriction and says how many blocks of non-terminals with limited length can be in each sentential form. We demonstrate that under these restrictions, the grammar systems generate dierent families of languages. Indeed, under the rst restriction, these systems generate only context-free languages. Under the second restriction, even one-component systems characterize the entire family of recursively enumerable languages. In the end, the family of languages generated by grammar systems under the third restriction is equal to the family of languages generated by programmed grammars with context-free rules without -rules of nite index.