2016 Następne

Data publikacji: 30.11.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Ewa Kocój

Zastępca redaktora naczelnego Joanna Szulborska-Łukaszewicz

Sekretarz redakcji Alicja Kędziora

Redakcja zeszytu Katarzyna Plebańczyk, Ewa Kocój

Zawartość numeru

Anna Góral

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 295-309

The participatory approach towards management seems to be adopted, to a certain extent, in different spheres of public space, including heritage management. The experts seem to believe that the participation of stakeholders in each phase of a proposed project’s development will assist in building trust and confidence between the affected community and local government authority and will encourage community participation in future phases of the project. As a consequence, it will also help to satisfy the expectations of different groups of interest and in a longer perspective facilitate the sustainable development of a region. The aim of this article is to provide a critical reflection on the contemporary Polish cultural heritage management system as seen from the perspective of active citizens as well as on the role of local communities in this system. Attention is also paid to the relationships that exist between the social and public sector in heritage management processes.
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Krzysztof Rogatka, Przemysław Ciesiółka

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 311-326

The dynamics of socio-economic changes has brought a number of changes and significantly influenced space in recent times. Cities are growing and occupying new areas. Spontaneous and unplanned urbanization is often the sign of our times. Chaotic appropriation of space has become a problem both in Poland and in the world. Therefore, in space management it is important to pay attention to areas that can be reused in the process of revitalization. The purpose of this article is to analyze the concept of revitalization in the context of the functional changes that took place in cities in the past centuries, with a particular emphasis on postindustrial areas in Poland. Additionally, the question of whether revitalization is an opportunity to preserve and protect cultural heritage is discussed.
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Alicja Kędziora

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 327-342

This article is an attempt to locate the anniversary resolutions, adopted by the Sejm and Senate of Poland and dedicated to outstanding Polish artists, in the context of the memory management processes. The considerations, for which the starting point is the 200th anniversary of Cyprian Kamil Norwid’s birth, falling in 2021, particularly refer to the mechanisms allowing for the adoption of the resolutions and their effects in the form of cultural projects and the financial resources designated for their implementation.
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Albina Siemiańczuk

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 343-353

Grodno as a city in the Republic of Belarus, with its rich and diverse culture, is almost 1000 years old. It arose as one of the political and administrative centers of ancient Rus. In the middle of the thirteenth century it stood at the beginning of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which formed in the Neman region. The Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas received the city from his father Kęstutis and from that moment on Grodno became the residence of the great dukes of Lithuania, and later Polish kings. At the end of the eighteenth century, after the partition of Poland, Grodno was seized by the Russian authorities. As a provincial town of the Russian empire it suffered a violent Russification, which was continued in the times of the Soviet Union. On receiving independence in 1991, the Republic of Belarus began an independent political life. However, the election in 1994 of A. Lukashenko for President shattered the independent Belarusian state development trend and started a restoration of Soviet institutions of power and traditions. Instead of Belarusian national symbols in public life, Soviet symbols reappeared, which blurred the traces of the rich and varied history of the country. Grodno is perhaps the most interesting city of Belarus because of its multiculturalism.
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Magdalena Szpunar

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 355-369

In the field of the humanities there has appeared a recently popular trend called digital humanities. This begs the question: is it only the result of a temporary fashion or rather a requirement of technological times that demand a new category name. Scientists are more and more often convinced that the existing analytical tools and dominant paradigms are no longer sufficient for illustrating the increasingly complex social structures. The article is an attempt to answer the question of what digital sociology and its object of interest are.
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Patryk Gałuszka, Katarzyna M. Wyrzykowska

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 371-384

This article is based on empirical data gathered during the research on Polish recording industry conducted in 2013. The paper concentrates on a part of the recording industry which specializes in classical and electronic music. The authors analyze the mission and organizational structures of labels which specialize in the aforementioned music genres. The empirical data suggest that these labels, despite operating on competitive markets, are not driven by purely market orientation. The discussion conducted in the paper suggests that these labels unwittingly contribute to the cultural policy of the state, even though most of them are not supported by the government. Consequently, the results of this study can be used to improve this policy. 
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Magdalena Szpunar

Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 17, Numer 4, 2016, s. 385-389


M. Sokołowski (red.), Dryfowanie przez czas. Społeczeństwo spektaklu 20 lat później, Olsztyn Wydawnictwo UWM, 2015, s. 176

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