The examination of non-profit and public institutions from the CSR viewpoint
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEThe examination of non-profit and public institutions from the CSR viewpoint
Data publikacji: 10.09.2012
Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2012, Numer 2 (18), s. 47 - 60
The examination of non-profit and public institutions from the CSR viewpoint
To reveal the company’s social policy publicly – in the form of certificates, indices or reports – occurs more and more often in the corporate practice and communication. The year 2011 has a special role among the campaign of the European Union since 1983. This year the main focus is on voluntariness, which is one of the principles of the European Union, the aim is to draw the attention of the European people to the significance of voluntariness.
The advantage of the companies’ voluntary programme is that through the internal communication a more effective cooperation can be ensured among the employees and nonbusiness. So more and more companies feel the need of the CSR activities, with which they can create competitive advantage for themselves. The research focuses on the nonbusiness group, and examines its relationships and cooperation with other organizations and groups.
The aim of the research carried out in Hungary is to discover and unveil the aims and motivations of the above mentioned segments, and whether the opposing parties, in economic sense, are able to cooperate for one goal in the interest of the community and environment.
The research raises the following questions: What kind of donations is offered from the businesses and from the civil people? Do they comply with the expectation and necessities of the nonbusiness? Is their cooperation useful? Are they able to solve their problems, to communicate effectively?
The results of the research showed similarities with the literature, i.e.: the influencing factors of CSR are the effective communication, the realized cost and benefits for the donor, the empathy, the norm system of the individual and the expectation of the society.
The importance of CSR appears at more and more forums (CSR market, corporate PR etc.). However, to be able to speak of appropriate CSR that is already built-in the value system of the individuals – especially from the viewpoint of society, ecological and economic sustainability – Hungary has a long way to go as there is still a great lack of empathy, internal motivation and social sensitivity, which can only be inherited through culture.
Communication forms the base of offering assistance, as without it the realization of needs
is not possible. The sceptics often accuse the companies that the CSR practice from their part is nothing else only PR activity, however, it was proven by the present research that the donor companies do not require publicity.
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Informacje: Zarządzanie Publiczne, 2012, Numer 2 (18), s. 47 - 60
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
The examination of non-profit and public institutions from the CSR viewpoint
The examination of non-profit and public institutions from the CSR viewpoint
Eszterhazy Karoly Univeristy, Institute of Business Sciences
Óbuda University, 1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező u. 15–17, Hungary
Óbuda University, Keleti Karoly Faculty of Business and Management
Szent István University, Hungary
Publikacja: 10.09.2012
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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-Języki publikacji:
AngielskiLiczba wyświetleń: 2338
Liczba pobrań: 1441