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Securing conferences, events, ceremonies and other events, including in the context of terrorist threats. A statutory perspective

Data publikacji: 13.03.2023

Terroryzm – studia, analizy, prewencja, 2023, Numer 3 (3), s. 278-326



Mariusz Cichomski
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3707-7856 Orcid
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Securing conferences, events, ceremonies and other events, including in the context of terrorist threats. A statutory perspective


In the current legal status, during the organisation in Poland of conferences, events, ceremonies or other events, significant due to their scale or rank, especially those of international character, security activities are carried out on the basis of general provisions - primarily pragmatic acts of services and other institutions carrying out these activities or episodic acts. Polish legislation, however, has not introduced regulations permanently defining detailed principles of conduct and the subject and object scope of responsibility for the preparation and security of such events, unless they are qualified as mass events. This article is an attempt to provide a comprehensive overview of the specific legal instruments used in the case of securing this type of events. Based on the analysis carried out, de lege ferenda conclusions have been formulated, including the introduction of a new legal institution permanently into the Polish legal order, referred to for the purposes of this article as a ‘special event’. As a result of granting a given event or celebration the status of a special event, it would be possible to apply legal instruments hitherto found only in episodic acts, but which are of significant importance from the perspective of ensuring a security standard adequate to the threat.



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Legal acts

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Act of 8 December 2017 on the State Protection Service (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 575, as amended).

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Act of 5 August 2010 on the protection of classified information (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 742, as amended).

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Act of 6 April 1990 on the Police (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1882, as amended).

Act of 31 July 1981 on the remuneration of holding executive state positions (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1215, as amended).

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Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 5 February 2019 on the introduction of a temporary ban on carrying weapons and moving them in an unloaded state (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 233).

Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 18 October 2018 on the reintroduction of temporary border control of persons crossing the state border constituting an internal border (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2058).

Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 11 October 2018 on the introduction of a temporary ban on carrying weapons and moving them in an unloaded state (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1981).

Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 28 June 2017 on the introduction of a temporary ban on carrying weapons and moving them in an unloaded state (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1289).

Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 1 June 2016 on the reintroduction of temporary border control of persons crossing the state border constituting an internal border (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 840).

Ordinance of the Minister of the Interior and Administration of 20 May 2016 on the introduction of a temporary ban on carrying weapons and moving them in an unloaded state (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 715).

Order No. 143 of the Prime Minister of 28 August 2019 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the Police (M.P. of 2019, item 777).

Order No. 17 of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 23 August 2019 on the use of Police and Border Guard officers to provide assistance to the State Protection Service (Official Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of 2019, item 30).

Order No. 4 of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 7 February 2019 on the use of Border Guard officers to provide assistance to the State Protection Service (Official Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of 2019, item 4).

Order No. 142 of the Prime Minister of 28 August 2019 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the State Protection Service (M.P. of 2019, item 776).

Order No. 220 of the Prime Minister of 29 November 2018 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the State Protection Service (M.P. of 2018, item 1165).

Order No. 211 of the Prime Minister of 20 November 2018 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the Police (M.P. of 2018, item 1160).

Order No. 20 of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 21 May 2018 on the use of Border Guard officers to provide assistance to the State Protection Service (Official Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of 2018, item 32).

Order No. 51 of the Prime Minister of 29 June 2017 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the Police (M.P. of 2017, item 651).

Order No. 98 of the Prime Minister of 21 July 2016 on the use of soldiers of the Military Police to provide assistance to the Police (M.P. of 2016, item 708).

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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) concerning the 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee, signed in Paris on 19 April 2017 (M.P. of 2017, item 580).

Order of the President of the Republic of Poland of 28 November 2018 on the use of branches and subdivisions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland to provide assistance to branches and subdivisions of the Police (M.P. of 2018, item 1167).

Order of the President of the Republic of Poland of 7 July 2016 on the use of branches and subdivisions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland to provide assistance to branches and subdivisions of the Police (M.P. of 2016, item 626).

Order of the President of the Republic of Poland of 5 July 2016 on the use of branches and subdivisions of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland to provide assistance to branches and subdivisions of the Police (M.P. of 2016, item 623).


Informacje: Terroryzm – studia, analizy, prewencja, 2023, Numer 3 (3), s. 278-326

Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy



Securing conferences, events, ceremonies and other events, including in the context of terrorist threats. A statutory perspective

Securing conferences, events, ceremonies and other events, including in the context of terrorist threats. A statutory perspective

Publikacja: 13.03.2023

Status artykułu: Otwarte __T_UNLOCK

Licencja: CC-BY-NC-SA  ikona licencji

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Mariusz Cichomski (Autor) - 100%

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