2014 Następne

Data publikacji: 26.11.2014

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Kamil Zeidler

Redakcja zeszytu Aleksander Smywiński-Pohl, Marta Siedlecka, Adrianna Smurzyńska

Zawartość numeru

Karolina Finc

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 1-7


Pitfalls and challenges in studies on the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training

In recent years, in both science and business, we observe an increased interest in using of various types of software and computer games to improve human cognitive abilities. Paradoxically, together with an increasing number of studies proving the effectiveness of this type of computerized cognitive training, is also growing number of reports about the lack of its beneficial effects. In this situation many doubts are raised by methodology used in training studies, especially poorly matched control groups, and inadequate monitoring of the placebo effect. In this article I will present the most important issues and challenges facing today’s research on computerized cognitive training.

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Marcin Koculak, Weronika Kałwak

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 9-20


Describing consciousness on scale from zero to one. Perturbational Complexity Index as a scientific attempt on measuring consciousness on an individual level

Scientific study of consciousness entered a new era with research focused on finding its neural correlates. The article depicts reasoning underlying this paradigm and controversies it arises using a novel tool designed to measure one’s level of consciousness by means of analyzing EEG signal. Perturbational Complexity Index, created by team led by Guilio Tononi, is used to present theoretical debate concerning the possibility of creating an objective consciousness measure. Stemming from reflections on mechanisms of loss of consciousness, authors of the index infer the informational nature of the phenomena, which is said to be demonstrated by experiments with participants under anesthesia, in deep sleep or suffering from disorders of consciousness. The extraordinary capability of the index to measure the level of consciousness on an individual level and its practical applications are discussed in context of possibility of experimental access to subjective experience.

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Tomasz Korbak

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 21-30


Why representations don't stick with dynamic models?

In this paper I investigate thesis, embraced by proponents of dynamicism in cognitive science, that mind is not representational and explanation of cognition can go without representations. This claim has received serious criticism from cognitive scientists and philosophers of mind, who accuse dynamical explanation of being satisfying only for a narrow class of simple cognitive phenomena. Thus, genuine, representation-free explanation of cognition will always be incomplete. I espouse another strategy and present two arguments saying that the language of pure dynamical systems theory is not rich enough to define any nontrivial notion of representation. If I am right, then at least these phenomena dynamical explanation deals well with are not representational and representation talk can in no way help us understand them

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Marta Łukowska

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 31-41


During out-of-body experience (OBE) visual perspective and bodily awareness are altered. The phenomenon has been investigated in studies with brain-damaged patients, people exposed to gravitational overloads, as well as victims of traumatic events. Recently, virtual reality technology enabled evoking transient OBE in healthy people. Studies using full-body illusion (FBI) protocol point to incorrect visuo-vestibular integration as a potential mechanism evoking OBE. This conclusion is strengthened by neuroimaging and lesion studies suggesting important role of temporo-pariental junction (TPJ; multisensory associative cortical area damaged in patients suffering from OBE) for proper visuo-vestibular integration. Finally, potential mechanisms of individual differences in susceptibility to OBE ranging from simple perceptual to higher cognitive processes are discussed.

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Marek Muszyński, Joanna Durlik , Marcin Bukowski

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 43-57

One of the key research areas in the embodied cognition field is role of metaphors in creating abstract notions. One of such metaphors is vertical dimension (UP-DOWN) used e.g. for conceptualising positive and/or negative emotions. Its importance has been confirmed by many empirical findings, but some of them arouse methodological concerns regarding the stimuli selection and the level to which observed patterns are universal. The main goal of the present study was to replicate findings of one of the most influential experiments in the field. Its results pointed that positive stimuli are processed faster when presented on the top of the screen while negative ones are processed faster when presented on the bottom. The results of our study yielded a slightly different pattern: positive stimuli were indeed processed faster on top of the screen, but we did not replicate faster processing of negative stimuli on the bottom of the screen. Possible explanations of such a pattern of results were discussed, along with ideas for follow up studies.
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Marcin Urbaniak

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 59-76

People possess and use instinctive moral evaluations, while the rational thinking is of a minor importance. According to some hypotheses human reactions, which lead to ethical results, were shaped by the natural selection, not by the influence of a culture. The practice of moral judgments generating consists of few repeatable stages and it is characterised by some automatisms and innate reactions based on biological determinants. A sense of the morality appears to be correlated unmediatedly with the emotional states, with the recognition of such states and with instinctive demeanors. Subsequently the main source of moral intuition seems to be the instinctive behaviours and emotions. It is confirmed by the list of universal moral moduls, which are simple reactions to some stimulus, from where the society derives complex moral virtues. Perhaps the natural sense of the morality is a final effect of the functioning of different emotions, which are based on so-called emotional contagion and empathy, in other words – some forms of emotional states recognition. Additionally, neurotransmitters appears to play an essential role in the process of moral and social demeanors.
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Kinga Wołoszyn, Dariusz Asanowicz

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 7, 2014, s. 77-88


Independence or cooperation? On the issue of interaction between alerting and executive attention systems

According to Posner and colleagues, mechanism of attention consists of three systems: alerting, orienting and executive. Here, we focus on relationship between two of them, namely,  on the interactions between alerting and executive attention in tasks involving cognitive or motor conflicts. Previous studies suggest that the impact of alerting on the efficiency of conflict resolution may depend on various factors, including the presence of established stimulus-response associations, speed of the reaction selection process, characteristics of the allocation of spatial attention, and a stage of processing at which conflict occurs i.e., either perceptual analysis or response selection.  However, the available results are to some extent contradictory and no single hypothesis is sufficient to explain all cases of the interactions between alerting and executive attention observed so far. The present paper provides a comprehensive review of these results and hypothetical mechanisms underlying the relationship between alerting and executive attention

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