2018 Następne

Data publikacji: 2018

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Marta Sokólska

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 1-16


Th e main purpose of this paper is to underline the importance of non-invasive methods of moral improvement. I defend the thesis that non-invasive stimulation of human morality should not be concerned as outdated. Among diff erent possible methods discussed nowadays, these that do not require any invasive intervention into neural system  should remain a valuable part of the discussion about moral enhancement. Two means of non-invasive ways to stimulate morality and their expected eff ects are proposed in this paper. Th e fi rst one is derived from the practice of involving horses in the process of resocialization and development of morally desirable traits. Th e second one is based on the idea of d rama-based interventions and its potential of increasing the abilities of perspective taking and noticing morally relevant aspects of situations in the participants.

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Katarzyna Rączy, Maksymilian Korczyk

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 17-34


Measuring intelligence in the blind population is a very challenging task. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, one of the most popular IQ tests, is not suitable due to its reliance on visual stimuli. However, one can observe that neuroscientists have started to look for neural correlates of intelligence, for example by measuring the accuracy of performance in a popular n-back task while subjects undergo fMRI scans. It has been shown that the so-called general intelligence strongly correlates with the memory system in sighted people. Since working memory can also be tested independently of a given sensory input, it can prove to be an excellent tool to measure the working memory capacity, which can serve as a neural correlate of intelligence in the blind.

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Aleksandra Różańska

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 35-43


The results of studies are connected with infl uence of music in the cognitive functions are diff erent. In this article, the review of literature and the results of the own study were presented. Th e own study (N=132) is connected with infl uence of music in the results of concentration task. Difficulty of tasks and knowledge of pieces of music were manipulated. The analysis presents that the task was performance better with piece of music than without. The results suggest that during performance the simple cognitive task, extra stimulus does not reduce the result of this task.

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Magdalena Szubielska

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 45-54


Th e present experimental study refers to the research into multisensory perception, in this case, the combination of tactile and taste senses. Th e investigation is focused on the relationship between the properties of the tactile stimulus accompanying yet unrelated to the process of eating and the taste perception of milk chocolate. Th e subjects,  standing barefoot on either soft or hard surface, consumed a piece of chocolate and then evaluated if it was sweet (assessment of the principal taste dimension), whether they liked it and if it melted in their mouth (complex assessments). It was only in a situation of complex taste evaluation that chocolate was evaluated higher when it was consumed while participants were standing on a soft rather than a rough surface; on the other hand perception of the principal fl avour dimension, i.e. sweetness, did not depend on the properties of the contextual tactile stimulus.

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Wiesław Galus

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 55-75


It was shown that mental representations of objects created in human minds during the learning process, which take the form of hierarchically connected neurons called semblions, have properties explaining the hierarchical structure of metaphors and other mind tools embodied in Lakoff’s cognitive linguistics concept. It was proven that, at the neurological level, semblions of objects, concepts, ideas and models can be associated with neuronal representations of phonemes heard in coincidence with other objects, creating new semblions which correspond to words. It was shown how activation of semblions can result in recalling, associating, thinking and other higher mental functions which are necessary to use natural language. It was considered why semblions representing mathematical notions enable an adequate description of numerous phenomena of the physical world but, at the same time, their polymodal counterparts can be used to describe qualia. The complementarity between Horzyk’s associative intelligence model and Galus’ model of architecture of self-aware systems was pointed out, which can be used to create artificial self-aware systems able to use both natural language and formal languages with understanding.

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Maciej Próchnicki

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 79-85


One of the greatest challenges of cognitive science is the application of its methods to explain the phenomena of normative character. One of the attempts on naturalizing philosophy is neuroaesthetics, which utilizes the development of neurosciences to study the neural basis of aesthetical experiences. Th is area brings much hope in the context of scientific explanation of art and beauty, albeit faces many  methodological problems. Th e main objection is the inadequacy of methods used to the subject of explanation. Despite some of the objections seem correct, this research programme may fruitfully contribute to the aesthetical thought and provide a scientifi c background of the mental states of that character.

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Filip Stawski

Rocznik Kognitywistyczny, Tom 11, 2018, s. 87-96


In recent years, in cognitive science (especially infl uenced by the concept of the embodied mind), have been emerging proposals to use phenomenology methods in the cognitive considerations, and overcome the so-called explanatory gap. Good examples of these proposals are neurophenomenology and front-loaded phenomenology, which have been briefly characterized. Next, I will describe the biofeedback (BF) HRV mechanism, which according to the hypothesis, may be an effective tool supporting the above attempts to implement phenomenology for neurobiological research. To sum up aim of this article is: presenting the first-person data problem in cognitive science; describeing the exemplary methods and role of phenomenology in empirical research, and proposeing BF HRV as an eff ective tool to achieve the psychophysiological state postulated by the above methods.

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