Więź emocjonalna ze zwierzęciem a dobra osobiste
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RIS BIB ENDNOTEWięź emocjonalna ze zwierzęciem a dobra osobiste
Data publikacji: 12.2021
Radca Prawny, 2021, 3 (28), s. 148 - 167
Więź emocjonalna ze zwierzęciem a dobra osobiste
Emotional bond with an animal and personal interests
The paper looks at the legal consequences of a domesticated animal’s death in the sphere of private law. A prevailing view of the Polish doctrine excludes any claims aimed at monetary or non-monetary compensation of the harm suffered by an owner as a result of an animal’s death. Several recent cases concerning such claims, resolved by the Polish courts differently, have been criticized. In particular, most authors think that the emotional bond between a person and their animal cannot qualify as a personal interest protected by Article 24 of the Polish Civil Code. The article discusses critically the majority view and presents arguments in favor of a different approach to the civil law compensation for harm caused by a domesticated animal’s death.
Keywords: personal interest, emotional bond, loss of a domesticated animal, immaterial harm, compensation for non-pecuniary loss
Informacje: Radca Prawny, 2021, 3 (28), s. 148 - 167
Typ artykułu: Oryginalny artykuł naukowy
Więź emocjonalna ze zwierzęciem a dobra osobiste
Emotional bond with an animal and personal interests
Uniwersytet Warszawski, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 30, 00-927 Warszawa, Polska
Publikacja: 12.2021
Status artykułu: Otwarte
Licencja: Żadna
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