logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

2020 Następne

Data publikacji: 2020


Czasopismo wydawane dzięki dotacji Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologii Rozwoju Człowieka 

Numer czasopisma został dofinansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego na podstawie umowy nr 175/WCN/2019/1 z dnia 7.06.2019 z pomocy przyznanej w ramach programu „Wsparcie dla czasopism naukowych

Licencja: CC BY-NC-ND  ikona licencji


Redaktor zeszytu Maria Kielar-Turska

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Artykuły teoretyczne i przeglądowe

Patrycja Kozera-Mikuła

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 9-28

The Meaning of Life: A Concept Analysis in the Light of the Humanities
The concept of the MEANING OF LIFE operates in language as a polysemantic structure which must be seen against the background of philosophical, anthropological, theological, psychological, pedagogical, sociological and cultural concepts. The question about the MEANING OF LIFE, which includes the search for the essence and purpose of human existence, the human vocation, the reasons for making an effort to live and for why it is worth living, constitutes one of the crucial questions of various philosophical and religious systems, and attempts to answer it bear evidence to the wealth of the humanistic knowledge and reflection on human life. The concept of the MEANING OF LIFE is extremely vague in its nature, and it may also be included among the religious concepts that concern the reality which cannot be captured empirically. The author analyzes lexicographical sources, literature on the subject, resources of the National Corpus of Polish and the results of a survey carried out among Polish language speakers. The description of the concept of the MEANING OF LIFE, made by analyzing representative words and linguistic constructions that fall within it, as well as numerous psychological concepts, leads to indicating basic conceptual categories contributing to the concept today and to showing how the concept of the MEANING OF LIFE is currently expressed in Polish and in the humanities.
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Artykuły empiryczne

Karolina Appelt, Marta Jarzembowska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 31-42

Creative Activity and the Use of Multimedia Devices by Children at Preschool Age
The article presents the results of own research whose purpose was to answer the question whether screen time is related to the level of creative activity of preschool children. The relationship between creative activity and the possession of electronic devices by preschool children was also examined. 32 children aged 5 years and 1 month to 6 years and 11 months and their parents took part in the research conducted in 2018. The research tools used were: (1) The Test for Creative Thinking – Drawing Production (TCT-DP) Form A of Urban and Jellen (1996) in the Polish adaptation of Matczak, Jaworowska, Stańczak (2000), (2) Questionnaire for parents and teachers: How creative is the child? and (3) Questionnaire regarding the use of multimedia devices by preschool children. The obtained results indicate a relationship between screen time and the level of creative activity of preschool children. Studies show that the amount of free time spent with a multimedia device by a child after returning from kindergarten correlates negatively with the various dimensions of creative thinking. Children who more often play without using multimedia devices show greater creative ability manifested in the child’s basic forms of activity during this period: play, art and language activities.
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Paulina Michalska , Anna Szymanik-Kostrzewska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 43-58

The presented study aimed at determining the school readiness of first-grade pupils by scores of standardised competence tests and the subjective assessment of mothers, checking possibilities to differentiate the results of preschoolers and pupils and correlations of both measurement methods. The Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS) and the Questionnaire of Subjective School Readiness Assessment by Parents (KGSD-R), with subscales analogous to those of IDS, were used. The three studied groups involved 36 first-grade pupils, 34 older pre-schoolers, and 34 younger pre-schoolers. The average scores of the pupils on all the IDS subscales point to their sufficient school readiness. Objective (IDS) and subjective results (KGSD-R) differentiated the children’s results into high and low, however, the correlations for the pre-schoolers were few and low, and for pupils – not statistically significant.
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Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska, Dominika Kuchta

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 59-71

Is There a Relation between Temperamental Predispositions and the Use of Imagery in Young Athletes?
The aim of the study is to establish whether there exists a relationship between temperamental predispositions and the use of imagery, as well as to examine temperamental traits as predictors of imagery use in children practising various sports. The study involved 82 children (boys and girls) aged 7–11, as well as 82 parents. The participants filled in the Sport Imagery Questionnaire for Children (SIQ-C), in the Polish adaptation of D. Budnik-Przybylska and K. Karasiewicz, and the EAS Temperament Questionnaire by Arnold H. Buss and Robert Plomin (1984) in the Polish adaptation of Włodzimierz Oniszczenko. The research confirmed a significant relationship between temperamental traits and the use of imagery, as well as indicated temperamental predictors of the use of imagery in sport. The article presents the detailed results of the study.
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Beata Płaczkiewicz

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 73-86

Emotional Intelligence of Students from Inclusive Classrooms
Nowadays emotional intelligence is seen as a set of characteristics essential for the effective functioning of a person. According to Salovey and Mayer’s conception, it is perceived as a mental capability of using emotions properly. The author’s own research was based on the Popular Questionnaire of Emotional Intelligence (PKIE) developed on the basis of this approach. A group of 68 nondisabled students from inclusive classrooms took part in the research. The results obtained by the respondents fall within the range of average results. There were significant differences in the statistics between females and males in the following aspects: the ability to control emotions, capability of understanding emotions and in the globally-defined emotional intelligence (the overall result). Furthermore, three profiles of results differing in quantity and quality in terms of the individual components of emotional intelligence were obtained following the statistical procedures. Among these profiles, the most significant was the one in which individual factors of emotional intelligence were developed at a lower level, except for empathy. However, wider research is necessary to come to any conclusions as regards the relation between the results of the research and inclusive education.
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Gabriela Rafa, Dorota Czyżowska

Psychologia Rozwojowa, Tom 25, Numer 2, 2020, s. 87-106

Health Control, Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Late Adulthood
This study aims at investigating the relationship between the health locus of control and social support and life satisfaction in late adulthood. It was intended to investigate which dimension of health control dominates in the respondents and whether it is related to the frequency of medical visits, education, living alone or with relatives, subjective assessment of health as well as perceived social support and life satisfaction. It was also examined whether there are differences in the health locus of control between people with secondary and higher education. The study was conducted among 85 people aged 60 to 79: students of a Third Age University and participants of the PLinEU Senior Activity Centre. The research results indicate that it is the internal health locus of control that dominates in the respondents, which is related to the number of medical visits and living alone. There was a significant positive relationship between the internal health locus of control and subjective assessment of health. Differences between people with secondary and higher education in the health locus of control were demonstrated. There was no relationship between the health locus of control and social support and life satisfaction.
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