Logotyp Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie

Tom 2 Następne

Data publikacji: 06.10.2016

Licencja: Żadna


Redaktor naczelny Piotr Jedynak

Zawartość numeru

Marek Ćwiklicki, Wioletta Makieła

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 73-84

The objective of this article is to evaluate the coherence of control and audit activities related
to quality management in clinical hospitals (in Poland). Research conducted in a selected hospital in Poland has shown the use of a few similar solutions, which may be regarded as a good reason to consider whether the initiation of corrective actions is necessary. The basic conclusion resulting from the conducted analysis concerns the necessity of reviewing the control and audit function with a view to eliminating the needless performance of such control activities, including a possibility of reducing their scope by way of combining
similar tasks. The collected data give rise to a statement about the necessity of conducting a more thorough check of collected information together with its recording carriers, which will allow the integration of control and audit activities.
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Magdalena Daszkiewicz, Anetta Pukas

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 85-100

The purpose of this paper is to establish the state of knowledge of city marketing communication and to define challenges arising from the needs of practice and special character of city marketing. These issues are important and relevant especially for the reason that the global competition forces cities to intensify their marketing actions and practice of cities indicates a search for solutions in the management of marketing communication activities. The paper combines theoretical discussion with insights from marketing communication practices of cities. On the basis of the literature studies and overview of examples of selected cities in Europe, the Authors identified the knowledge gaps and the needs to update the marketing theory and develop research on the holistic concept of marketing communication for cities. The study shows the need to seek solutions that would contribute to increase the efficiency of management of city marketing communication on the strategic and tactical level.
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Magdalena Dołhasz

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 101-114

The demographic structure of the Polish society is changing. In accordance with the trend observed in the world, the number of elderly people is increasing, which implies new actions in the area of ​​social and economic life. Enterprises more and more often notice this segment, creating special offers in the marketing mix for the elderly preceded by the necessity to study the market behaviour of seniors, including the use of sources of consumer information.
This article aims to initially identify the importance of advertising as a source of product information for seniors in Poland. It uses the data from secondary sources – the literature of the subject and the results of published studies as well as the results of pilot studies conducted by the author among seniors in Poland. They confirm that seniors use both modern and traditional sources of information (including advertising). Their attitude to advertising – like among all Poles – is negative. However, they declare that advertising is an important source of information about products.
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Michał A. Leśniewski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 115-134

Competitiveness is of indisputable importance in the development of the enterprise (organization) in the market economy. It is a source of competitive advantage, which is the result of the activity of an economic operator on the market. The aim of this article is to present the essence and structure of the concept of Managerial Behavioural Cultural Competitive Advantage of Enterprises. It emerged on the basis of the method of interpretation and scientific reflection of the author based on the study of literature.
The following theses were formulated there: (i) structure and functioning of Managerial Behavioural Cultural Competitive Advantage of Enterprises are based on the determinants (conditioning factors) and component factors of competitiveness and (ii) the model of Managerial Behavioural Cultural Competitive Advantage of Enterprises is of bi-directional nature, which is internal-external and external-internal.
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Nataliia Marynenko

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 135-145

The arguments for the use of enhanced and more effective techniques for managing problem situations emerging at different stages of enterprises’ adaptation to the new challenging market conditions are given in the paper. The approach to managing the problem situations arising at the stages of the enterprises’ pre-adaptation, co-adaptation and adaptation within production and economic organization is developed. The high inconsistency, low inconsistency and perfectly consistency zones between the enterprises’ interests within the production and economic organization under co-adaptation are identified. The equation for inconsistency level between companies reduction during their adaptation process is introduced. The ratio for assessing the relevance of situation to emerge is obtained.
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Anna Szeliga-Duchnowska, Boleslaw Goranczewski

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 147-168

The article is an empirical design driven study of quality management system in a chosen institution of higher education. Its aim is to measure the satisfaction of internal customer of a higher education institution which implemented a standardized quality management system. For that purpose, a diagnostic survey method (CAWI) was used. The empirical study was conducted in October 2014 among the employees of teaching and administrative departments (a total of 158 people) from Wroclaw School of Banking (WSB University in Wrocław). For data analysis, factor analysis was used.
The results of the satisfaction survey were presented in five areas: (1) satisfaction, opinion about the higher education institution, identification with the university; (2) relationship with a supervisor; (3) motivating, including compensation; (4) evaluation of work and professional development; (5) working conditions and information flow.
In the summary, apart from the general conclusions of the study, some guidelines to improve the presented measuring tool, towards the assessment of internal suppliers, were given.
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Olena Yermoshkina, Kseniia Tiukhmenova

Jagiellonian Journal of Management, Numer 2 (2016), Tom 2, s. 169-179

In the article, statistics and procedure of scientific project management in Ukraine has been studied. The classification of scientific projects in Ukraine has been defined. Application of the project management approach based on the matching the project management phases to the scientific projects and identification the executives of each phase were approved. The Total Quality Management principles were analysed and matched with standard quality management principles.
The result of the article, has developed the structural-logical scheme of interrelation between scientific projects management phases based on the scientific project classification, identification the phases of project realization and executives, following the principles of quality management.
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