Marek Piotr Kaczmarczyk
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 1 (2021), 2021, s. 83-100
The Indivisibility of the Principle of Judicial Independence. Commentary on the Decision of the Supreme Court of 23 September 2020, Case No. II DO 52/20
The article presents critical commentary to the decision of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court concerning the possibility to treat an ECJ judgment in joined cases C-585/18, C-624/18, and C-625/18 as a prerequisite for reopening the proceedings based on Article 540 § 3 of the Polish Code of Criminal Procedure (k.p.k.). Disciplinary Chamber stipulates that the afore-mentioned ECJ judgment is not binding in Polish legal order. This follows, according to the commented decision, from two factors. First is the undue omission and, as a consequence, infringement of the Supreme Court Act in case of a prejudicial request to ECJ. The second is the lack of judicial independ-ence of judges in the above case. The author argues that the line of argument taken by the Disciplinary Chamber is against Polish and European Union law. He points out several shortcomings in this Chamber proceedings. Its uncon-stitutional nature, ECJ interim measures, and other issues which the author acknowledges, renders Disciplinary Chamber unable to adjudicate. Regard-ing the author’s sbeliefs, first and foremost, this decision is illegal. Secondly, it shows urgent necessity to suspend the Disciplinary Chamber and, last but not least, proves that the Polish Constitution and European Union Treaties can safeguard the rule of law