Marcin Laberschek – dr nauk humanistycznych w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu. Pracownik Zakładu Badań Filozoficznych nad Kulturą w Instytucie Kultury Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Autor monografii Symboliczne stanowienie władzy w organizacjach (2018). Od 2018 roku zastępca redaktor naczelnej, a od 2024 redaktor naczelny czasopisma naukowego „Zarządzanie w Kulturze”. Jego zainteresowania koncentrują się na: różnych obszarach zarządzania w kulturze, symbolicznych wymiarach zarządzania organizacjami, dziedzictwie kulturowym przedsiębiorstw, sztuce przemysłowej i poprzemysłowej, pomnikach i ich znaczeniu społecznym, metodologii badań w zarządzaniu humanistycznym, postmarketingu i współczesnych markach oraz zarządzaniu na ponowoczesnym rynku.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 24, Numer 4, 2023, s. VII-X Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 25, Numer 3, Early View
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 23, Numer 4, 2022, s. 357-379 and Reality. Enterprises of the Polish People’s Republic as the Factories of Art
Part of enterprises that were active during the time of Polish People’s Republic was fulfilling the role of an industrial art patrons, sponsoring and organising different types of artistic projects. The factories were however first and foremost obliged to fulfil the national industrial plans and their production norms, both of which could be impeded by their cultural and artistic activities. In this article the author poses a following question: why was it that the enterprises were sponsoring artistic events and how were they benefitting from it? To provide an answer, the author focused on three events under the industrial patronage – Biennale of Spatial Forms in Elbląg, 1st Symposium of Fine Artists and Scientists in Puławy as well as 1st Biennale of Metal Sculptures in Warsaw – and conducted an analysis of scientific and specialist literature on their topic. On this basis, the author drew the conclusion that the advantages related to the patronage had mostly a social character and resulted from building positive relations with the authorities, local communities and employees.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 25, Numer 1–2, 2024, s. 341-349 Laberschek
Zarządzanie Publiczne, Numer 1 (13), 2011, s. 103-115 article omits the role of the Krakow Festival Office in the Krakow cultural system. Krakow Festival Office is the institution which organizational profile and a kind of proposed cultural events is quite different from the traditional cultural institutions that have been characterized so far. Krakow Festival Office implements projects that are far broader and far more expensive than other institutions. It is difficult not to notice that Krakow Festival Office is privileged when considering international cultural projects in the Strategy of Culture Development in Krakow. Theatres and exhibition institutions have some chances for growth considering the statements in the Strategy. However the situation of libraries and cultural houses ma get worse. The strength of cultural institutions lies also in the strength of cultural houses and libraries. It seems though that the authors of the Strategy neglect the role of institutions mentioned above in the social capital building. Reading the Strategy of Culture Development in Cracow one may have justifies doubts whether the interests of the local citizens are sufficiently taken care of. It seems that the Strategy centrates more on promotional marketing for the Krakow brand and ess on the cultural needs of Krakow’s citizens. Both directions of cultural policy do not exclude each other. The proper research on the needs of Krakow’s citizens is missing. Thus it is difficult to rationalize the spending on culture in Krakow including the need of Krakow’s citizens as well as the investment in the promotion of culture in Krakow in the international area.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 10, 2009, s. 103-116
The article The Description of Selected Non-Governmental Organizations as Agents of the Market of Independent Culture presents results of a survey based on a series of interviews with managers of Cracow-based non-profi t organizations promoting independent culture.
It focuses on a three elements shared by aforementioned organizations. First – NGOs are fully operational agents of the market, which signifi cantly differ from companies, institutions and individual authors. Second – those differences result both from goals of various agents (the goal of a company is its own interest, of an institution – public interest and non-profit organization – the interest of culture) and their respective ways of functioning (concerning management and marketing).
Third – since NGOs take part in the market, they cannot completely separate themselves from an influence of commercial factors. The analysis of the results reveals a frequent conflict between material and artistic values.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 18, Numer 3, 2017, s. 283-305 Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 20, Numer 2, 2019, s. 199-220 monuments that exist in the social space were erected on the initiative of enterprises. Monuments contain a symbolic message referring to various aspects of this type of organization, for example to their creation, to their achievements and successes, to what they do, to people who co-create them, to patrons and many others, sometimes less clear issues. Thus, monuments show enterprises from a chosen, specific point of view - they also create their images. This article presents which images of enterprises are produced by monuments and how this is done. Nine separate categories are listed: 1) images based on difficult experiences of enterprises; 2) images based on remembrances of enterprises; 3) images based on outstanding persons of enterprises; 4) images based on human work; 5) images based on the achievements of enterprises; 6) images based on the company’s trademarks; 7) images based on the social involvement of enterprises; 8) images based on political involvement of enterprises; 9) images based on the metaphysical values of enterprises.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 13, Numer 2, 2012, s. 139-152 of cultural product in the auction portal The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka
Necromarketing perceived as any activity of an organization, which uses human death to achieve its own aims, demonstrates two features: willfulness and extravagance.
The following paper „Necromarketing of cultural product in the auction portal The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka” delineates the theoretical spheres of necromarketing activity, focusing nonetheless on how it is used by salesmen from portal with the aim of intensifying the sales of cultural products.
For some salesmen the death of Violetta Villas in December 2011 and Irena Jarocka in January 2012 became an occasion to achieve extra profits, especially financial ones. This paper presents an array of arguments which confirm the assumption that certain salesmen conduct willful necromarketing activities and that such behavior is by no means exceptional.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie Mediami, Tom 5, Numer 2, 2017, s. 35-60 Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 23, Numer 2, 2022, s. 187-216 Organizations: Creating Myths of Enterprises through Monuments in Communist-Era Poland
Myths are messages that shape people’s imaginations, determine how they perceive the world, and shape their attitudes and behaviors. Monuments are an important source of myths. In communist-era Poland, they gave enterprises a special social status. The aim of this paper is to identify the myths hidden behind such monuments and to point to the ideas about workplaces which they fostered. Appropriate research has been carried out to achieve this goal, identifying monuments to enterprises erected in communist-era Poland, collecting stories related to them, and carrying out an analysis of the assembled data. Thanks to the analysis, it has been possible to distinguish five categories of myths: 1) greatness and perfection, 2) breaking down barriers, 3) heroism and tragedy, 4) inspiration and afflation, and 5) social mission. It has also been found that these myths created the image of an ideal socialist organization in people’s imaginations.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 12, Numer 1, 2011, s. 27-41 usefulness of the methods of researching the needs of the customers of information web sites in the context of the management of information perceived as product
The content of this study remains aligned with present-day research designs which perceive the journalism information as a market good, i.e. a product. The product management consists in devising strategies which make the marketed product exceptional, let it excel the competition and match the client needs. However, these needs should at first be examined. The paper analyses the methods of researching client needs and organizes them from the point of view of their usefulness in the management of information perceived as a product.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 19, Numer 3, 2018, s. 329-334
Treści sensacyjne w internetowych serwisach informacyjnych i ich wpływ na wzrost poziomu czytalności
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 11, 2010, s. 81-98
The paper „Sensational Headlines on News Websites and Their Influence on the Increase of Click Through Rate” is an attempt to answer the question whether the sensational content of headlines may infl uence visitors’ decisions as to which news to read. The analysis of the sensational content of news headlines-links (their intensity, form, location on the website) suggests that such headlines may in fact be a well-prepared marketing tool, which aims at attracting the highest possible number of visitors, since reaching a guaranteed click through rate and a certain number of sub-page views allows one to acquire and bind advertisers to the website. The survey described in this paper is a preliminary research study. Although it appears that the use of emotion-affecting headlines is not incidental, the initial analysis cannot yet prove that it is a premeditated strategy of website operators. Therefore, the presented paper should be considered a starting point for further necessary research.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 21, Numer 4, 2020, s. 325-346 article concerns the shadow phenomenon understood as the state of anxiety of people who create the social environment of an organization. This phenomenon was discussed on the example of Zakłady Azotowe in Mościce and the Wilhelm Sasnal monument, using research material from indepth interviews with the creator of the monument and with Dawid Radziszewski, artistic curator. Information from existing sources and the results of the visual analysis of the monument were also used. The result of the analysis is that: (1) shadow is a kind of social fear of threats from the organization (e.g., failures); (2) its source is the organization itself; (3) shadow is rooted in the past (4) and projected for the future; (5) shadow organizes social life in the environment of the organization and manifests itself in stories, myths and art.
Marcin Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 20, Numer 2, 2019, s. 1-1 Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 23, Numer 2, 2022, s. 1-1 Laberschek
Zarządzanie w Kulturze, Tom 19, Numer 2, 2018, s. 1-1