Krzysztof Skotnicki
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 3 (2023), 2023, s. 43-60 article discusses the statutory procedure for adopting resolutions of the Sejm on declaring a given year a year of a person or event (the so-called anniversary resolutions) and the practice of working on them in the Committee on Culture and Media of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Frequent changes in regulations and the increasing number of patrons are criticized, and above all, the inappropriate role of the Committee’s presidium, which often does not submit all drafts of resolutions which are addressed for its consideration. Weaknesses during the work on the so-called anniversary resolutions in 2023 resulted in another amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Sejm relating to it.
Krzysztof Skotnicki
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 4 (2021), 2021, s. 5-29
Citizens’ Constitution Initiative and Citizens’ Legislative Initiative in Romania
The citizens' constitutional initiative and the citizens' legislative initiative exist in Romania since 1991. They were established by the Constitution of 21 November 1991. The right to initiate a constitutional amendment is vested in a group of at least 500,000 citizens who have the right to vote; they must be residents of at least half of the voivodships, and at least 20,000 citizens must sign the initiative in each voivodship and in Bucharest. The right of legislative initiative is vested in a group of at least 100,000 citizens with the right to vote; they must be residents of at least one-quarter of the voivodships and in each of them such an initiative must be supported by the signatures of at least 5,000 citizens. The Constitution provides exemptions to these initiatives. The collection of signatures and the
further handling of such drafts are regulated by Act No. 189 of 9 December 1999 on the exercise of a legislative initiative by citizens (amended in 2004). Their compliance with the Constitution is examined by the Constitutional Tribunal.
The project initiator has 6 months to collect signatures from the moment of its publication in the official publication journal "Monitorul Oficial Romaniei". In practice, a small number of citizens' constitutional and legislative initiatives
have so far been submitted. It is therefore an ineffective institution. This is believed to be due to overly complex bureaucratic rules governing the collection of signatures. Therefore, it is postulated to simplify the process and introduce the possibility of collecting signatures electronically.
Krzysztof Skotnicki
Przegląd Konstytucyjny, Numer 3 (2021), 2021, s. 256-265