Andrzej Opaliński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 1-M (5) 2013 , 2013, s. 277-284 paper summarizes the system for WEB resources monitoring based on defined query. Experiment compares results returned by the proposed system to those provided by Google Search and Google Alert services. Results indicate that the system could be solid base for development and tests of pattern detection and information retrieval mechanism, while providing more data than Google solutions. Drawback of system and further development plans are also presented.
Andrzej Opaliński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Volume 7 Year 2017 (114), 2017, s. 175-182 artykule przedstawiono koncepcję, architekturę oraz testy mobilnego systemu monitoringu zbiorników wodnych. Jego głównymi elementami są zdalnie sterowana łódź oraz echosonda rejestrująca dodatkowo dane GPS. Opracowany system może być wykorzystywany w kilku konfiguracjach, umożliwiając realizację funkcjonalności takich jak generowanie map batymetrycznych lub bieżący monitoring dna zbiornika wodnego. Główne funkcjonalności systemu zostały przetestowane i zaprezentowane wraz rezultatami testów, ich analizą, wnioskami i planem dalszego rozwoju.
Andrzej Opaliński
Czasopismo Techniczne, Mechanika Zeszyt 2-M (7) 2015, 2015, s. 203-210
In studies of new materials or products, it is necessary to carry out a series of tests to determine the physical properties of the product as a function of the manufacturing process parameters. The technological process of making successive samples for both experimental and research purposes is a mechanism which is time-consuming and which usually requires considerable financial outlays. At the same time, scientific literature offers a large number of experimental results carried out for a similar range of problems. The idea conceived in this study is to create a model that, based on the results of experiments collected from the scientific literature, will reduce the number of necessary physical tests by replacing them with an effective mechanism estimating some of the technological process parameters. Consequently , the concept of an algorithm has been presented to estimate the parameters of the manufacturing process of ADI (Austempered Ductile Iron). It can operate as a fundamental part of a larger expert system, supporting the design and configuration of production processes in various industries. This article describes the results of tests showing the efficiency of the proposed solution and outlines plans for further development of the system to increase its effectiveness and usefulness.