@article{fe54e91f-2bc0-48d6-a5ff-d48edeedf16a, author = {Beata Bury}, title = {Sądowa weryfikacja wygaszania stosunków pracy w sferze administracji publicznej}, journal = {Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy)}, volume = {Volume 27 (2020)}, number = {Tom 27 Zeszyt 3}, year = {2020}, issn = {1429-9585}, pages = {195-206},keywords = {wygaśnięcie stosunku pracy; rozwiązanie stosunku pracy; ochrona pracy; zasada równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu / expiry of an employment relationship; termination of employment; employment protection; equal treatment in employment}, abstract = {Judicial verification of the termination of employment relations in the sphere of public administration on the example of the National Center for Agricultural Support The construction of the expiry of an employment relationship excludes the use of institutions provided for in the Labor Code for the termination of employment relationships, as it is a lex specialis in relation to the provisions of this Code. This mechanism results in the termination of the employment relationship, in principle, without the labor court being able to check the reasons for it. The labor court, in such conditions, may, however, examine not only whether the expiration of the employment contract by the employer did not violate the law, but also, and perhaps above all, the circumstances of not offering the employee working conditions and pay for a further period and assess it also in context of social coexistence rules.  ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31}, doi = {10.4467/25444654SPP.20.019.12066}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/sadowa-weryfikacja-wygaszania-stosunkow-pracy-w-sferze-administracji-publicznej} }