%0 Journal Article %T Le rôle de l’enseignant d’une langue étrangère dans un environnement numérique : des mondes virtuels aux jeux vidéo %A Kotuła, Krzysztof %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Tom 16 (2016) %R 10.4467/20843917RC.16.009.5930 %N Tom 16, Numer 2 %P 97-107 %K CALL, video games, virtual worlds, Second Life %@ 1732-8705 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/romanica-cracoviensia/artykul/le-role-de-lenseignant-dune-langue-etrangere-dans-un-environnement-numerique-des-mondes-virtuels-aux-jeux-video %X Classroom environment is frequently perceived as an inhibitor to genuine language interaction. Many authors agree that its characteristics does not allow to create opportunities for authentic communication. Some IT tools, such as virtual worlds or video games, are claimed to have the potential to enrich the communication between learners. The dynamic nature of virtual reality predisposes it to become a perfect tool enabling a creation of a multidimensional environments enriching FL lessons. In the present paper, we will analyse fragments of three different language lessons. The first two were conducted in a virtual world, Second Life. We will try to define characteristic features of this particular environment. During the last analysed lesson, a platform video game was implemented. By comparing these two distinct ways of incorporating virtual reality into classroom practice, we will attempt to reflect on its potential to transform the foreign language learning experience.