TY - JOUR TI - Problematyka wybranych zagadnień jednolitej ochrony patentowej AU - Orfin, Tomasz TI - Problematyka wybranych zagadnień jednolitej ochrony patentowej AB - Problems related to selected issues of unitary patent protection Unitary patent protection is one of the key challenges for the European Union. The current initiatives, which – despite being just a short step away from full implementation due to legal and formal issues, such as the complex legal structure or non-legal claims concerning their negative impact on the economy and competitiveness of enterprises – still raise doubts and uncertainties. The aim of this article is to illustrate the problem of unitary patent protection on selected issues concerning the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court. The obstacles that prevent the implementation of the Unified Patent Court are presented. Critical voices assessing the proposed model of unitary patent protection are also presented and discussed. VL - 2021 IS - 2 (27) PY - 2021 SN - 2392-1943 C1 - 2720-3670 SP - 191 EP - 217 DO - 10.4467/23921943RP.21.018.14211 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/problematyka-wybranych-zagadnien-jednolitej-ochrony-patentowej KW - prawo patentowe KW - jednolita ochrona patentowa KW - patent europejski KW - patent europejski o jednolitym skutku KW - Jednolity Sąd Patentowy KW - Unia Europejska KW - Europejski Urząd Patentowy KW - rozporządzenie 1257/2012 KW - rozporządzenie 1260/2012