@article{f8edd5b6-5c38-471b-a44f-310d4f57adfe, author = {Krzysztof Walczak}, title = {Analiza obowiązujących w przedsiębiorstwach regulacji dotyczących przyznawania świadczeń pracownikom odchodzącym z pracy pod kątem ich zgodności z zasadami wynikającymi z teorii zarządzania oraz z wymogami prawa}, journal = {Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy)}, volume = {2016}, number = {Vol. 23}, year = {2016}, issn = {1429-9585}, pages = {363-387},keywords = {remuneration; principle; dyscrimination; regulation severance payment}, abstract = {Analysis of regulations concernig severance payments in connection with the termination of employment  for reason not related to the individual employees and their conformity with the principles from management theory and law The purpose of this paper  is to show, that severance payments  in conection with the termination of employment  for reason not related to the individual employees are an element of remuneration. This is why the principles governing remuneration have to be applied by employers and trade unions also to these payments. In author's opinion there is no problems in practical observance of principles: compulsority, privilege, cash payment, particularism. However, doubts appear for practice of application of principles of undiscrimination and decency, in the context of too high benefits which receive individual workers. As a metter of principles of modified equivalency, there is a problem with  calculation of the amount of severance payments based on total years of work. If we talk about principle of formalism the problem is precision of record concerning condition granting this payment.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/analiza-obowiazujacych-w-przedsiebiorstwach-regulacji-dotyczacych-przyznawania-swiadczen-pracownikom-odchodzacym-z-pracy-pod-katem-ich-zgodnosci-z-zasadami-wynikajacymi-z-teorii-zarzadzania-oraz-z-wymogami-prawa} }