%0 Journal Article %T Kierowanie własnym rozwojem. Kontekst teoretyczny zjawiska %A Jančina, Magdalena %A Kubicka, Dorota %J Psychologia Rozwojowa %V 2014 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.14.023.2962 %N Tom 19, Numer 4 %P 31-48 %K rozwój człowieka dorosłego, kierowanie własnym rozwojem, samoaktualizacja (samorealizacja), autokreacja, autodeterminacja, autorefleksja, transgresja, realizacja dalekich celów, twórczość życiowa %@ 1895-6297 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/kierowanie-wlasnym-rozwojem-kontekst-teoretyczny-zjawiska %X The aim of this article is to compare different conceptions of psychological development in which the development is managed by an individual itself. It is a collection of views on the development of the life of a human being from the point of view of different psychological trends. Terms such as self-realization, self-actualization and self-creation are considered. On the basis of the conception of self-creation by Zbigniew Pietrasiński, a model of selected but crucial personal conditions for self-creation process is discussed. It includes such dimensions as: autonomy as self-determination, self-consciousness, transgression, long-term goals and lifetime creativity.