%0 Journal Article %T Należyta staranność członków organu zarządzającego spółki kapitałowej %A Fleszer, Dorota %J Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy) %V Volume 26 (2019) %R 10.4467/25444654SPP.19.018.10682 %N Tom 26 Zeszyt 3 %P 277-290 %K odpowiedzialność cywilnoprawna członka zarządu spółki komunalnej, należyta staranność, model starannego piastuna / civil liability of a member of the management board of a municipal company, due diligence, a model of a diligent supervisor %@ 1429-9585 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/nalezyta-starannosc-czlonkow-organu-zarzadzajacego-spolki-kapitalowej %X Due diligence of members of the management body of a capital company A limited company through appointing a member of its body expects that the function thereof shall be performed with due diligence and in line with a professional nature of the activity which shall demonstrate the level higher than the average. In this scope, the establishment of the requirements will be possible through determining a “diligent guardian” model. The activity performed by a member of the management body who does not keep to this model, shall result in liability for damages. In the case of a member of the Management Board, the increased standard of care shall apply in the evaluation of the fault under Art. 293 (1) of the Commercial Companies Code. ASJC: 3308 JEL: K31