%0 Journal Article %T John Locke and his Educational Thought – Between Tradition and Modernity of Enlightenment %A Wrońska, Katarzyna %J Filozoficzne Problemy Edukacji %V 2018 %R 10.4467/25450948FPE.18.006.8586 %N Volume 1 (2018) %P 65-81 %K cnota, doświadczenie, prawda, prawo natury, dobre nawyki, optymizm pedagogiczny, edukacja, odkrywanie dzieciństwa, Oświecenie, wolność, rozum %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/filozoficzne-problemy-edukacji/artykul/john-locke-and-his-educational-thought-between-tradition-and-modernity-of-enlightenment %X The text presents pedagogical thought of the Seventeenth century philosophy of John Locke, representative of English empiricism and forerunner of Enlightenment. The author considers how much Locke’s modern philosophical views powered his educational concept and on the other hand to what extent this pedagogical field retained in his description the conservative character and why/for what reason. This combination of tradition and modernity in Locke’s philosophy are shown by the example of his reffering on one hand to reason and on the other to the truth; then to freedom and equality in the light of law and at the same time to the natural law; to experience and social diversity, and finally to skepticism about the original sin and the goodness of man’s nature. The author also points out the strengths and the weaknesses of the mixture of traditional and modern views of Locke as a pedagogue and connects some of them more with a purely liberal profile of this philosophy than with the Enlightenmental philosophy.