%0 Journal Article %T Cyfrowa strategia rozwoju tradycyjnego medium.  Perspektywy polskiego radia dla zagranicy %A Maliszewski, Juliusz (Michał) %J Zarządzanie Mediami %V 2013 %R 10.4467/23540214ZM.13.002.2293 %N Tom 1, Numer 1 %P 1-10 %K media, rynek mediów, zarządzanie mediami, strategie zarządzania mediami, konwergencja, media dla zagranicy, radio %D 2013 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/cyfrowa-strategia-rozwoju-tradycyjnego-medium-perspektywy-polskiego-radia-dla-zagranicy %X Digital development strategy for traditional media. Perspectives for the Polish Radio External Service One of the most important challenges ahead for media is the structural and organizational cooperation between the traditional business and new media. The thesis presented is based on a theory that the traditional media will never be replaced with the new media. Moreover, they evolve under the influence of the later and interact with them. Traditional media contrived the Internet and even managed to raise the ratings. However, it has changed media enterprises management approach. Polish Radio External Service is the representative of the traditional media which will effectively integrate two contrary business models: radio broadcasting with the new media. This is how this broadcaster is facing the changes that happen in the media, which have to respond the requirements of the market. The changes that has to be made in the program need to correspond to such phenomenon as globalization of the markets, new broadcasting technologies and new expectations of the audience.