@article{f52826ce-cbe7-43d2-881e-da7c01cf203c, author = {Katarzyna Fijołek-Kwaśniewska}, title = {Partie tworzące koalicję Zjednoczonych Patriotów (2016− 2019) wobec mniejszości tureckiej i Republiki Turcji}, journal = {Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne}, volume = {2021}, number = {Tom XXX}, year = {2021}, issn = {2451-4993}, pages = {269-285},keywords = {mniejszość turecka; Republika Bułgarii; Republika Turcji; bułgarska populistyczna skrajna prawica; bułgarski nacjonalizm}, abstract = {Parties of the United Patriots’ Coalition (2016−2019) and their Narrative Towards the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey The aim of this paper is to identify the individual political elements of the United Patriots’ coalition. The nationalist electoral alliance formed in 2016 by Attack, the IMRO -Bulgarian National Movement and National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria took a part of the third Boyko Borissov government. Starting this new partnership with the populist radical right, the GER B has resigned from promoting EU values, including minorities’ rights, much more than before. This coalition established xenophobia and making racists statements as a standard of Bulgarian parliamentary discussion. Its attitude towards the Turkish minority in Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey shows hostility and prejudice.}, doi = {10.4467/2543733XSSB.21.019.13812}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ssb/artykul/partie-tworzace-koalicje-zjednoczonych-patriotow-2016-2019-wobec-mniejszosci-tureckiej-i-republiki-turcji} }