%0 Journal Article %T „Carpathia Festival” – element promocji miasta Rzeszowa %A Urban, Paulina %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2009 %N Tom 10 %P 173-183 %@ 1896-8201 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/carpathia-festival-element-promocji-miasta-rzeszowa %X International Song Festival „Carpathia Festival” allowed the creation of Rzeszów image as a buoyant city that guarantees good organization of prestigious events and high standard entertainment. The Festival takes place every year since 2005. Its main goal is to make Rzeszów the center of cooperation of talented youth from the whole Europe and beyond. Over last fi ve years, the Festival always promoted native artistic works, enabled appearance of not only world-famous artists, but also regional performers representing various art domains. It let several young, talented musicians begin their careers, and become an inspiration and opportunity to develop for many. „Carpathia Festival” favors tightening bonds with partner cities and promoting Rzeszów in Europe. Thanks to it Rzeszów is perceived by many as innovative city, activating international artistic circles, promoting young talents and organizing events at top level. Hopefully, the city attractiveness will rise along with popularity of the festival.