%0 Journal Article %T Pour une réhabilitation d’une femme écrivain. Elena Ion, Femeia fără chip. Pe urmele Soranei Gurian [La femme sans visage. Sur les traces de Sorana Gurian]. %A Krupa, Tomasz %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Tom 22 (2022) %R 10.4467/20843917RC.22.012.15644 %N Tom 22, Numer 1 %P 129-136 %K Sorana Gurian, Romanian-language literature, Francophone literature, literary reception, biographical research, women’s writing %@ 1732-8705 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/romanica-cracoviensia/artykul/pour-une-rehabilitation-dune-femme-ecrivain-elena-ion-femeia-fara-chip-pe-urmele-soranei-gurian-la-femme-sans-visage-sur-les-traces-de-sorana-gurian %X Towards a Rehabilitation of a Woman Writer. Elena Ion, Femeia fără chip. Pe urmele Soranei Gurian [The Faceless Woman. On the Trail of Sorana Gurian] This paper aims to discuss the strategies that Elena Ion uses to bring Sorana Gurian and her literary work back into cultural discourse. Firstly, I will recapitulate existing research and the way her writings were received after her death in 1956. I will then present the main objectives and results of Elena Ion’s study, as well as the importance of the new sources she has identified for further research into the work of Sorana Gurian.