@article{f3bc850a-150d-4977-adf7-df7fc569c930, author = {Agata Agnieszka Konczal}, title = {Cultural and social meaning of the forest. Research with using tools of the space anthropology}, journal = {Prace Etnograficzne}, volume = {2013}, number = {Tom 41, Numer 3}, year = {2013}, issn = {0083-4327}, pages = {189-201},keywords = {}, abstract = {The paper is a report from the author’s research which was focused on a cultural and social meaning of the forest. Its aim is to show how to connect a topic of the forest with tools of the space anthropology. The main part of the text is an indroduction to the ethnographic region of the Tuchola Forest (Bory Tucholskie) and its deep associations with the forest space. On this example the author presents that the forest can be analyze as a starting point from which we can understand a local society; all the time it surrounds locals and it has an influence on many aspects of their life, e.g. economy, history, beliefs, worldview, setting boundaries. Also the foresters and a new phenomenon of saint Hubert cult are mentioned.}, doi = {10.4467/22999558.PE.13.016.1357}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-etnograficzne/artykul/cultural-and-social-meaning-of-the-forest-research-with-using-tools-of-the-space-anthropology} }