%0 Journal Article %T Transmisje spektakli operowych w kontekście kształtowania polityki kulturalne %A Różańska, Róża Zuzanna %J Zarządzanie Publiczne %V 2016 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.16.011.5174 %N Numer 2 (34) %P 135-144 %K opera, repertuar operowy, innowacje technologiczne, transmisje oper, polityka kulturalna %@ 1896-0200 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/transmisje-spektakli-operowych-w-kontekscie-ksztaltowania-polityki-kulturalne %X Broadcast opera in the context of cultural policy In the era of globalization and rapid technological progress the presence of new technologies in performances of classical music is slowly becoming the norm. The leading musical institutions offer broadcast performances to cinemas, affecting the opera houses. Consumers gain access to a new range of services, yet at the same time they are forced to adopt new attitudes towards the services provided by traditional institutions, which effects national cultural policy. This paper presents the results of polls conducted in the UK and Poland in 2014 and 2015. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the problem of perception of the quality and repertoire of local opera houses in relation to broadcast operas as a key factor for shaping cultural policy in Poland.