@article{f11a44e3-3483-47bc-afc4-c88fc488323d, author = {Marcin Brocki}, title = {Relacje międzygrupowe na tle wielkiego projektu przemysłowego, na przykładzie rozbudowy Elektrowni Opole}, journal = {Prace Etnograficzne}, volume = {2018}, number = {Tom 46, Numer 4}, year = {2018}, issn = {0083-4327}, pages = {69-89},keywords = {local community; ethnicity; social conflict.}, abstract = {Inter-group Relations and Large Industrial Project. The Case of Opole Power Plant Development The article presents the analysis of dynamics of ethnic relations in a small commune near Opole. At the background of the relations are social processes launched by the expansion of the Opole Power Plant. In line with previous studies on the impact of large industrial investments on the local communities and the work on inter-ethnical relations in the studied municipality, I presumed that the current expansion may affect mutual intergroup relations, because they remain tense from at least the end of the Second World War. Although for more than ten years there has been a significant progress in building a sense of local community. This process has now been disturbed not only by the expansion of the power plant, but also by the imposed change of the municipality’s borders, as a result of which the power plant is no longer within the limits of the municipality. The battle to maintain the existing borders revealed that “ethnicity” can still be a living differentiating element, but also a building community factor. }, doi = {10.4467/22999558.PE.18.016.10119}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-etnograficzne/artykul/relacje-miedzygrupowe-na-tle-wielkiego-projektu-przemyslowego-na-przykladzie-rozbudowy-elektrowni-opole} }