@article{f1169621-1f00-4e84-a8a2-4a7dc96f9290, author = {Łukasz Gaweł}, title = {Muzeum i nowe media. Rozwój oferty cyfrowej w czasie pandemii}, journal = {Zarządzanie Mediami}, volume = {2020}, number = {Tom 8, Numer 4}, year = {2020}, issn = {}, pages = {525-534},keywords = {museum; new media; digital culture; digital museum}, abstract = {Museum and new media. Development of the digital offer in the time of the pandemic This article outlines the results of studies analysing the activity of museums around the world during the period of limited cultural activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of these unprecedented circumstances, virtually all activities of museums have been transferred to the digital reality of the Internet and premised on the functionalities offered by the new media. Even though the existence of relationships between museums and the media is not a new development, its intensity during the pandemic reached unprecedented levels. Furthermore, during the pandemic, there emerged new types of services offered by museums, and they will likely remain a permanent fixture of their offer. Notably, such a broadened offer significantly increases the educational potential of museums and directly relates to the demand for lifelong learning.}, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.20.049.12653}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/muzeum-i-nowe-media-rozwoj-oferty-cyfrowej-w-czasie-pandemii} }